Mark Meadows just lost again

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Georgia court just denied Mark Meadows’ request to pause his trial while he appeals his rejected request to move his case to federal court. Next, federal court will also deny Meadows’ request.

Remember, these are not delay tactics, just desperation. They’re not delaying anything. The folks on TV and Twitter who are using phrases like “delay, delay, delay” and “run out the clock” are misrepresenting what’s going on here.

The idea behind a delay tactic is that you file a nonsense motion and lose, but at least it delays things. But with the kinds of filings we’re seeing from Meadows, there’s no possibility of a delay. These filings are coming and going, without the trial date timeframe shifting by even a single day.

So let’s put an end to the narrative that people like Meadows are using “delay tactics.” That’s not what any of this is. Nothing is actually being delayed. Nothing has any chance of being delayed. These filings are just pointless desperation.

Throughout this entire process there hasn’t been a single moment where Mark Meadows appeared to have any kind of plan or strategy. At each turn he’s simply made the stupidest move possible. We need to stop giving these doofuses credit by framing their nonsensically stupid moves as being some kind of “strategy” or “tactic.” When we do that, we’re handing people like Meadows leverage that they wouldn’t otherwise have.

For the record, that also applies to Donald Trump. He keeps making one stupid flailing desperation move after another – the kind of moves that can’t possibly help him in any way – and then we have to sit there and listen to people on Twitter and TV spin his random moves into being some kind of strategy we need to fret over. It’s a pointless exercise. Trump, Meadows, and the others keep making dumb moves, they keep losing, and their trial date timeframe keeps not getting delayed. This isn’t a strategy to save themselves. It’s a delusion on their way down.

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