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About thirty years ago I visited Niagara Falls with a girlfriend. I made the mistake of bringing my video camera along. Nothing dramatic, I didn’t accidentally drop it over the side or anything. I just made the same mistake every filmmaker has made since the invention of the camera. Majestic though it may be, nothing new ever happens at Niagara Falls. Once you’ve filmed it you’ve filmed it. About sixty seconds of video is all you’re going to get. The rest is the same damned thing. Over, and over, and over, and over.

That’s kind of what it’s like with Donald Trump’s tweets, speeches and utterances. The same damned thing — over and over. While you could get a nice picture book of still photos from Niagara Falls, you couldn’t fill a book with Donald Trump’s utterances. Well, not an interesting book anyway.

What they are is predictable, lame, self-serving and dull. Anyone could write them based on anything they’ve seen. To wit, “The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY is at it again! Jack Smith’s witch hunt (BIDEN!) has criminally INDICATED your favorite PRESIDENT right in the middle of an ELECTION! Sleepy Joe and the DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE will SOON BE COMING after you! Meanwhile failing Ron de SANCTIMONIOUS is losing in the POLLS! SAD!”

Yes, I made all that up. But it could have just as easily been a direct quote from Trump. No one would ever know the difference. In fact, I’ll bet you could show that exact same counterfeit quote of mine above to Donald Trump himself and he’d probably agree that he wrote it.

What it tells you is a soulless idiot was once president of the United States. A man with absolutely no imagination and nothing new to say was once our Commander in Chief. While Joe Biden was tweeting out words of comfort and remembrance on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, Donald Trump was tweeting idiotic crap just like that. When 9/11 happened he bragged about how one of his buildings was now suddenly the tallest building in Southern Manhattan. There is absolutely nothing new to this stupid man. He has never been about anything but greed, evil and bullshit.

That is why we know that Trump needs to go to jail right now. He’s not going to ever stop talking about the criminal cases mounted against him. He’s not going to ever stop stochastically endangering lives with his disgustingly awful posts about innocent people he hates. He’s not going to ever stop trying to poison the potential jury pool. He’s just going to keep rolling on and on, like the Niagara River, until he goes crashing over the edge in the same way he always has.

Trump needs to go to jail for exactly those reasons. He needs to be in jail because he’s a danger to individuals who are under constant threats of death from Trump-idolising MAGA morons. He needs to go to jail to prevent his further contamination of the jury pool. He needs to go to jail to stop him from instigating another January 6th insurrection. He needs to go to jail because Trump and his toxic, hateful and illegal assaults on truth and the law will not be tolerated in a free society devoted to the ideal of justice. Trump needs to go to jail now. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we're in this together. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research, and we need to become a reader supported site. You can help Palmer Report succeed by donating just $5!