Donald Trump just stepped in it

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Any remotely savvy politician knows that attending a sporting event is a dicey proposition. If the crowd is going to be politically mixed, you’re going to get cheered, but you’re also going to get booed. If you don’t want the optics of everyone sharing footage of you getting booed, you have to limit yourself to specific sporting events where you know the voting demographics are going to heavily lean your way.

Donald Trump is an extraordinarily unsavvy politician. And he doesn’t appear to have any political advisers at this point who have any idea how anything works, or are willing to say “boo” to him about anything. So of course Trump decided to attend the college football game between Iowa and Iowa State on Saturday – and let’s just say it didn’t go well for him.

Various pieces of video footage show that while appearing at the game in Iowa, Donald Trump was subjected to a good amount of cheering and a good amount of booing. He was also subjected to multiple middle fingers from football fans who were situated nearby him.

This was all a strategically dumb move. Trump gained nothing by attending this game. If he were simply trying to show his face in the state of Iowa and get headlines about being in the state, there were plenty of smarter ways to do it.

Earlier this week there were headlines about the “Trump 2024 campaign” barely even existing in Iowa, with minimal infrastructure. Palmer Report pointed out at the time that Trump clearly isn’t running for anything, and is instead just going through the bare minimum motions so that his suckers will keep sending him quasi-campaign donations that he can use for his mounting legal bills.

Donald Trump’s decision to attend this weekend’s Iowa vs Iowa State college football game appears to have been an attempt at pushing back and demonstrating that he does have a presence in Iowa. But it was a lazy, simplistic, and poorly thought out move. All Trump did was help spawn endless viral posts on social media about him getting booed and flipped off. And it demonstrated that he really doesn’t have a serious political operation in Iowa, or else he could have been steered toward a less inept photo op.

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