“Go Directly To Jail”

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It’s the beginning of the week. Trump and his fellow zombies have until midday Friday to turn themselves in. As of the time of this writing, they have yet to do so. Bails are being negotiated.

Trump’s legal team was seen at the Courthouse. The lights at the infamous County jail are on. Barriers are being erected around this jail. So — where are the people? I refer to the nineteen indicted people who have only until Friday to turn themselves in.

None of them have yet, leading to the question: Are they ALL going to do it at once? Will this be another meeting of the indicted zombies to congregate around the jail? I can picture the scene. Rudy and Meadows and Powell and Trump. They could brown-bag lunch or dinner and have a cozy little jail meal. What on earth would they all say to each other?

“Hey. What’s up besides all of us being indicted?”

“Did you flip?”

“This place sucks.”

“I wonder if we’ll all get mugshots.”

The answer to that last question is likely yes. But it is just incredible that no one has yet turned themselves in.

Paths will inevitably cross. And being that ALL these people are insane, there might be some fireworks.

Some might sneak in in the middle of the night. The Jail, unlike the Courthouse, is open 24 hours a day and it’s already been said that these people can choose to meander in at any time they want.

Until Friday. Only until Friday. Will one or more NOT choose to come in? That would get the arrest warrants flying for sure.

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