Donald Trump’s attorneys sound the alarm over their self destructing client

So Donald Trump, as you know, has announced a press conference next week to show the world his TRUTH — that the 2020 election was stolen. This is, of course, a big lie — THE big lie. And apparently, Trump’s legal team also realizes this fact, which is why they’re reportedly losing their shit over this conference and begging Trump to cancel it.
Trump’s legal team is reportedly “horrified” that he might incriminate himself FURTHER with this press conference — which, of course, he will — if it even happens. So they’re begging and pleading with him to call the whole thing off. Now the question is — will Trump listen?
I’ve got a take on all this which might be surprising. I think this press conference will not happen. I don’t think it will happen but not because of anything his lawyers do and say to him. Nobody can reason with Donald Trump. One is merely shouting into the wind when they talk to him. I’m sure on some level these attorneys know it. Trump’s malignant narcissism prevents him from even hearing other people speak.
It’s not just that Trump thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. It’s that he isn’t even aware there IS anyone else in the room — such are the symptoms of a complete and total narcissist.
But trump might decide to cancel on his own. On some deep-down, primal level, the man must know this is a terrible idea. So yes, I believe he will cancel, blaming said cancellation on, of coarse, the deep state — this mysterious band of people who seem to exist, in Trump’s mind, merely to torment him.
I hope he goes ahead with this press conference. Because we all know if he DOES, he will say something loony. Who knows what it will be? But Trump, in the spirit of narcissists and sociopaths everywhere, always manages to screw things up for himself, and I think this press conference would be no different in that regard.
This is because the malignant narcissist, simply cannot help it. The disease of narcissism is interwoven with who Trump is, and that is why, even if this press conference were not to happen, Trump will continue to say and do ridiculous things that further incriminate him.