So much for Donald Trump being able to draw a crowd

It was a dark and ominous night in NYC on March 20, 2023. For the call had gone out. A protest was going on in support of one orange traitor So reporters surged — eagerly getting into positions for potential interviews. After all — Trump had so many supporters, and all of them were about to turn out!
Not. You see, the evening went a bit differently than was planned. The Trump supporters did show up, crawling out from whatever logs they lived under and speaking wildly in support of their Messiah. However, the problem was in the numbers. To put it bluntly — they sucked.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of mealy-mouthed screamers had been expected. And though the final count differed a bit from person to person, the general agreement was around a handful. Six? Seven? Sven psychopaths. That sounds about right. Seven psychopaths crawled into what they had thought would be an impassioned protest for their dear one.
Instead, there were just a few scraggly, flame-eyed Maga — and a whole lot of reporters. In fact, there were more reporters there than protesters. So reporters had slim pickings of interviewees. But the few they DID interview were defiant. One said he wanted Fauci to “suffer.”
One said this was a trap by the FBI to try to arrest trump supporters. Most were wary, fidgety, and insane. But the one thing missing from this forlorn and ghastly carnival of fools was people.
The numbers were stale and low. The atmosphere was lackluster. Far from being a protest, this seemed to be some sort of meeting for rejects — and it certainly wasn’t making people afraid. On social media, people stifled to contain their laughter at the sad little event. “That’s IT?”
Indeed it was. This was one of the most gloomy events I suspect the big apple ever held. Reporters appeared confused. A few of them mistook other reporters for Maga. All around the whispers were: “where are the PEOPLE?” The answer — not there. It appeared the festival of Maga was one big ridiculous flop.