Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown as Manhattan criminal indictment news gets worse for him

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On Saturday evening the news broke that Michael Cohen is testifying to the Manhattan grand jury this Monday – meaning Donald Trump really could be indicted as soon as this Wednesday. Looks like the DA meant it when he notified Trump that he’ll be indicted as soon as this coming week. Trump isn’t taking it well.

After spending post after unhinged post melting down on Friday about this criminal case and everyone involved in it, Trump now appears to be trying to get back on message. In his mind, the “message” is the delusion that he’s somehow going to be a viable 2024 presidential candidate amid these indictments, felony charges, bail hearings, criminal trials, prison sentences if convicted, and so on. The trouble for Trump is that even when he’s talking about 2024, he can’t hide how bitter he is at how it’s all gone wrong for him.

Trump spent Saturday melting down on his own failed social network about… book sales? Specifically, Trump is enraged at unnamed people who are supposedly claiming that Ron DeSantis’ new book is outselling Trump’s own new book. Trump wants us all to know that this isn’t possible because Trump’s book hasn’t been released yet.

Trump is also accusing DeSantis of having unspecified groups of people buying up copies of his book to try to hide how poorly it’s selling. That wouldn’t be surprising, given that the book is a boring dud which reveals that DeSantis has all the personality of cardboard. But really, does Trump think that these kinds of whiny meltdowns about book sales are somehow going to give him a leg up in 2024?

Then again, when you’re on the verge of felony criminal indictment in multiple jurisdictions and you’re only “running” in a future presidential election to try to distract everyone (and yourself) from the fact that your future really consists of prison, perhaps it doesn’t matter that Trump’s 2024 rants are so off the mark. What’s the difference?

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