Disturbing new revelations in January 6th attack

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This article is aimed toward anyone who is still on the fence about former “president” Donald Trump. It’s time to get off that fence and face some realities. If you have continuing doubts, you need to watch Discovery Plus’s “January 6.” It is disturbing. What aired in news clips pales in comparison to the viewpoints of members of Congress and Capitol Police. Shout out to the police from Virginia and the Metro Police who came in to save the day after the secretary of defense had to “think about” calling in the national guard.

The opportunity to view this event through the eyes of those present is astonishing. In fact, it was quite disturbing. More disturbing are the people who want Donald Trump back in office. If anyone believes that Trump didn’t set this whole thing off, they are only fooling themselves. It is patently obvious that this entire event was triggered by Trump’s false claims regarding the 2020 election. You could hear people parroting him with the fraudulent election nonsense, and they were out for blood. Republicans who continue to downplay what happened are even worse. Some continued objecting to certification even as security came in and told them to leave “now.” They are also culpable.

One of the most striking aspects is the disparity in treatment. Several documentary participants talked about the security in place for the Black Lives Matter protest. Riot gear, fencing, and hundreds of officers stood at the ready. Obviously, they assumed that since the bulk of the January 6 crowd were white people, they wouldn’t need the same level of protection. How wrong they were. The people who broke into the Capitol were evil, vicious, and most were racist. One of the Black officers, whose first name only was given (Isaac), recounted how the rioters were “snarling, angry people calling you names.” He quoted, “They give you niggers some power and you think you can do what you want.” He asked himself: “Did he just call me a nigger? That’s just rude,” but then another part of him said: “Say it again.” He was ready to take someone out, and who could blame him? It was not only Black people who took the brunt of these racist mobsters. One suggested taking out “the big Jew,” referring to Chuck Schumer.

Republicans like to call themselves the party of law and order and the party of family values. They are neither. They continue to this day to downplay what happened when this documentary shows what really happened. Officers were beaten, one crushed in a doorway until he began bleeding from the mouth, and another had his head jerked around as they tried to forcibly remove his gas mask and calling him an MF. One of the most annoying things about these rioters was them constantly calling themselves “patriots” and shouting about “our house.” Yeah, it’s our house too, and we are also patriots. Just because we didn’t conduct a siege of the Capitol makes us no less patriotic. Party of law and order my ass. They are the party of power, and they want it by any means necessary.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report