The ghosts of Donald Trump’s past are coming for him

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The past always has a pesky little habit of reaching its tentacles into the present and tampering with it. As much as some people run from their pasts, there are few ways of escape — the ghosts of the past maybe murky, but they are not still, and they ALWAYS come rearing their heads at some point. For Donald Trump, that time is now.

Palmer Report warned that as indictments drew near, Trump would start to cave in on himself even more than he already has. We warned of his lunacy which would be lit aflame all over again as the ghosts of Trump’s past rose to embrace, with grizzly precision, the present day.

And on truth social, Trump shared a post clothed in dark, unlit violence, from another user. It shows where Trump’s head is at — it is in the past, locked in time, on January 6. Here are parts of what this wretched post said:

“People my age will physically fight for him this time.”

“What we got to lose?”

“I’ll donate the rest of my time here on this planet to do it.”

“They got my 6, and we are Locked and LOADED.”

Trump, of course, would share a post like that. It’s violent, it’s unhinged, and it shows darkness. There is nothing for Trump not to like in that post. All of this is happening because of Trump’s coming indictments. And I use the plural form intentionally. I believe there will be more than one. I think they will be any day now. Do I know this as a fact? No. But it is what I firmly believe, as do most people.

The ghosts of the past have risen; their hands are reaching out for Trump; he is in despair, he is trapped by these ghosts, and he can’t get free. These next few weeks will be electrifying to watch, and watch we will. So will trump because he’s helpless — helpless as the ghosts of the past march toward him with steady precision.

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