Jim Jordan’s come to Jesus moment

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“Punish the sinners!” That is the name of a great horror novel. It is also exactly what the Republican party is talking about doing. Those horrible sinners! The “sinners” in this case are the FBI. You read that right. And the ones who want to hear the confessions of said sins? Who might they be?

They are Gym Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, and a whole lot of other House GOP members. Apparently the sins of the FBI are so great they need to be looked into. In recent weeks, there has been an increasing amount of chatter from republicans about creating a “Church-style” committee . How lovely for them! This is in reference to the Senate’s 1975 Church Committee, named after Frank Church. But do Republicans know that? Will they have actual priests on this committee?

Nope. Just folks like Gym Jordan, anxiously hoping to turn America against the FBI. This committee will be “church-style,” and if they do this, they plan to investigate the FBI for just about everything. Here are some of the FBI’s greatest sins, according to republicans:

Snooping on Congress.

Inaccurate warrants.

Hunter Biden (you KNEW that would be there, did you not?)

Violating the civil liberties of insurrectionists.

This last one interests me greatly. Will they ask for testimony from the actual terrorists? Will they hear complaints for example that the mean police and FBI dared to arrest them after they crapped in the Capitol, erected gallows and beat up the Police?

The church is on the case! Gym Jordan appears very excited about this, saying, “We’ve been looking at a Church-style committee to look at this.” THIS apparently encompasses a great deal — at least in the delusional minds of these Republicans it does.

If the GOP does this, it should be easier for us to win in 2024. Once again, I am amazed at the cluelessness of the GOP. Do they really think the American people CARE about this? Probably not. But you can bet, they will be speaking of FBI sin, right and left. I look forward to writing about this “church committee” if it actually happens.

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