Fox in the henhouse

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The fox is back to attacking the henhouse and boy oh boy do they have a unique way of doing it! So the miserable entity we call Fox (non-news) is up to its old tricks again. But this latest trick comes with a twist. Let’s go back in time for a moment to make this all make sense.

Over the years, Fox has relished in the war over Christmas — loudly accusing Democrats of conducting a “war on Christmas.” They have pushed this absurd theory many times. This accusation, of course, is as far-out and non-existent as most of what the hate network says. But now they’re saying something else.

President Biden cares TOO MUCH about Christmas seems to be the new message. It’s true. Hey — nobody EVER accused Fox of being sane. On the Laura Ingraham show on Monday night, the following words appeared: “Biden jumps the gun on Christmas.”

Say WHAT? This had to do with President Biden putting up a Christmas tree, which Fox evidently thought was much too soon. I kid you not. This is their latest issue of concern. Biden jumped the gun on a Christmas tree. But there is a problem.

The problem is Fox did a Christmas tree lighting — on the same day it attacked the Biden administration. Twitter noticed this and appeared baffled why Fox was accusing President Biden of celebrating Christmas too early when they were doing the same thing.

And, of course, for years, it’s been the relentless mantra that democrats do not care about Christmas — that, in fact, we hate it. So why are they now saying Biden cares about it at all? So it should come as no surprise that Fox was pilloried on social media as many Tweeters are brighter than Fox pundits and pick up on these things rather quickly.

“Is Fox declaring war on Christmas now?” many wondered. So once again, Fox was left with an egg on their face. They seem to be showing more and more carelessness toward their television news content — or what they think passes for news.

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