JD Vance is making a fool of himself already

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The Trump years taught us (and taught us well) about the dark side of human nature. We have seen in the years since Trump rode down the escalator — many people literally signing their souls away on the dotted line — to Donald Trump.

And it has become a shockingly familiar spectacle. Time and again, we have watched as willing supplicants have abandoned their good names, reputations, and humanity — to go through the hotness of the inferno, shedding their honorable skins as they move forward through the flames.

And nobody — absolutely today — is more of a divine comedy than JD Vance. As you know, Vance won his race to be Ohio’s next senator. And many people wondered. They spoke, and I heard much of what they had to say.

Perhaps, many whispered, NOW that he’s won — JD will come back. Maybe he only said what he said and did what he did to get INTO office. Oh, people, people — why do you keep falling for it? These willing supplicants like Vance cannot come back. Once one steps through the doors leading to hell, there IS no way back.

Their souls undergo a sort of metamorphosis you see. The horrors they experience they bring on themselves — for they no longer have humanity. And once that happens, salvation becomes difficult.

So in the spirit of one whose soul smolders in purgatory, Vance has written a sycophantic, beseeching,fake, shallow op-ed begging people NOT to BLAME TRUMP!

It isn’t his fault, Vance writes rather frantically. In his op-ed, Vance, says that money is to blame! Money is the REAL culprit in the disappointing midterms of the GOP. He blames ActBlue. He blames small democratic donors. He blames everything and everyone — except Trump.

Such an argument is so utterly ridiculous I will go on about it no more. The amount of dark money republicans get is well-known. What ISN’T well-known is why Vance wrote this op-ed in the first place. He won his race. Why the continuing servitude?

It is because, like many who walked the hot halls of hell before him, he cannot stop. That’s what happens when one sells their soul. The character of Vance is doomed. The broken morality, however, lingers on.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report