Lindsey Graham should have quit while he was behind
It’s amazing that Lindsey Graham could come off as any more sycophantic towards Donald Trump than he already has. And yet that is exactly what has happened. As I mentioned in another article, American hero and former D.C. Police officer Michael Fanone has a new book coming out.
This book is called: “Hold the line: The insurrection and One cop’s battle for America’s soul.” And this book makes some startling claims about Lindsey Graham. Reportedly a meeting occurred. Graham was there along with the mother of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick who tragically suffered two strokes shortly after the insurrection and did not survive.
Sicknick’s mother was understandably very disturbed by Donald Trump’s actions – or lack thereof. And she said so.According to Fanone, Graham actually had the nerve to snap at her — at the mother of an American hero whose son had just died.
Graham was reportedly furious that she dared to blame Donald Trump for the insurrection. And Fanone says in the book Graham reportedly warned Gladys that “we’re going to end the meeting right now” if she persisted in saying anything at all negative about Donald Trump.
I have to pause here to marvel at the cruelty. Graham’s a lot of things, most of them bad, but this is pretty far even for him. Reportedly, Graham also demanded to know why Fanone and other police didn’t open fire on all the rioters, proving that perhaps Graham shares his hero Trump’s love of blood lust.
“You guys should have shot them all in the head,” Graham reportedly said. I have a funny, eerie feeling about Graham and will share my hypothesis with you. Many of you think that Graham acts this way because of blackmail. I don’t. I have a different theory. I believe Graham covets the Trump personality — and wishes it were his.
I think Graham, in the deep corridors of his non-soul, might just revel in the cruelty. Perhaps he wishes he were more like Trump. After all, sociopaths — usually attract their level.
And often, they attract fellow sociopaths — people who see their evils as attributes rather than as actual evil. I believe that Graham’s true nature might be closer to Trump than we all think. Perhaps Graham fancies himself Trump’s partner in crime. This would not be unlike the groupies drawn to criminals like Ted Bundy and Scott Peterson.