Donald Trump and his people just can’t get enough of losing

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When Roe was overturned, I was surprised to see so many House Republicans in swing districts bragging about it. No surprise they’re scrubbing their websites now. Trump taught these stupid Republicans to only focus on their base, which is a recipe for losing general elections.

It was also remarkable to see so many House and Senate Republicans defending Trump so loudly after the Feds searched his home. Did they not realize how ugly this would get? Last I checked, pro-espionage stances don’t poll particularly well with general election voters.

Do these Republicans not understand they have the option to just not immediately comment on something? Maybe it’s a bad idea to loudly and immediately take full credit for a Supreme Court ruling that 70% of Americans think is evil. That one might come back to bite you.

And when the FBI is banging on the door of a former President, maybe you’d want to take a minute to find out just how jaw droppingly serious the basis for that kind of search warrant must have been, before deciding what position to publicly take on it.

Trump’s win in 2016 was in spite of the kind of campaign he ran, not because of it. He was an extremely ineffective candidate who was too stupid to understand he needed to appeal to voters outside his own fan club. And he never did figure that out in four years, either.

Yet in spite of Trump being a blueprint for how NOT to win a general election, an entire generation of Republican politicians is absolutely certain they’ll win if they just do things Trump’s idiotic way. They still don’t get why he got blown out in 2020, and they’re still making the kinds of very basic political mistakes that got Trump bounced from office.

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