The winter of Trump’s discontent
The future of Donald Trump is coming into focus, and things do not look good for the chief operating officer of insurrections. We are now heading into September. Soon it will be autumn. One can almost smell the fall breezes.
And after that comes winter. And for Donald Trump, it will be the winter of his discontent. And that’s what this article is about. Some people hate the winter. Others like it because they think of hot chocolate and stories told beside fireplaces.
Will we be telling Trump’s story this winter? The man has been caught, ensnared in his own web. What bitterness he has to look forward to this winter. How high his discontent will be.
You see, he will either be indicted before winter — or not. And if he is not indicted before then, as the cold and snowy months of winter come, Trump will have to wait — wait for his ultimate fate to be decided.
All alone in New Jersey, Florida, or wherever he chooses to lay his wretched head at night, Trump will have little to look forward to except handcuffs. His discontent will grow as the wind whistles outside. I am sure — if Trump IS still free in winter — his home will already feel like solitary confinement.
For someone like Trump- who depends on the worship of others to feed his out-of-control ego, discontent is guaranteed. Did you know that British Filmmaker Alex Holder said that one of Trump’s favorite activities is walking in and out of rooms at Mar-A-Lago so different people can applaud him? No, really.
“He just walks around where people are giving dinner just to get a round of applause.” How utterly sad, pitiful, and meaningless is the life of Donald? But come winter, as Trump’s discontent grows, one thing is certain.
There will be no softening in the winds for Donald trump. Doomed to the fate which he created, he will be as he is now — a pariah with all but the lowest common denominator utterly despising him.
And come the cool breezes of winter, whether Trump’s discontent comes from home or prison, one thing is for sure. There will be few applause, no admiration, nothing for him but the sound of silence — and discontent.