Marco Rubio is a deer in the headlights

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

There are many myths in the world, and this writer has written about some of them. But one myth- one huge myth- is prevalent among the Republican party. That is the myth of GOP humanity. The myth is that they have any humanity at all. Most in the GOP do not. Humanity means that these Republicans would have to care — about humans.

Alas, in everything they do and touch, the GOP shows this humanity is false — it is just a myth. And that myth is something Florida Senator Marco Rubio would know about only too well.

He tweets Bible verses. He pretends to care — about the good people of Florida. But in reality, Marco Rubio cares about one thing, and that isn’t the voters. Rubio cares about power. He continuously rejects pleas from his own constituents to help them.

One cannot forget his time on stage when some of the Parkland survivors pleaded with him to reject the venomous support of his buddies in the NRA. Rubio couldn’t do it. He couldn’t do it because empathy is part of the myth. It is a trait Rubio does not have.

And on Saturday, Rubio again proved that to be the case. Rubio was asked about a national abortion ban — and if he supported it. That is when the myth of Rubio giving a damn was in full color. Rubio couldn’t answer the question.

He wouldn’t comment — his true intentions — or lack thereof — were laid bare. He stood as if transfixed — unable to come up with anything that would show humility. He evaded, and he preached — the Rubio preach. But he could not answer this most fundamental question.

Do you know what would be great? If everybody reading this who can — would donate to his competitor Val Demings. She is closing the gap in polling, and we need her to win. We need her to defeat a man whose soul is a blank canvass — an empty canvas devoid of humility and loyal to only one person — Donald Trump.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.