Ted Cruz should have sat this one out

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

I doubt there is much disagreement among Democrats regarding Texas Senator Ted Cruz. I think the majority of Democrats would agree — Senator Cruz is a Senator in name only. When he isn’t on Twitter, making a fool of himself, Teddy-boy can often be seen projecting fake outrage over some imagined slight. He literally defines the word “useless.”

This week, Cruz did a campaign event for one of the candidates running on the GOP side in the Pennsylvania Senate primary — David McCormick. During the event, Cruz made some comments that were so hypocritical that it was difficult to believe. But these comments were not against Democrats. Instead, they were against other Republicans whom Cruz viewed as way to much in love with Donald Trump. I kid you not.

“They all pledge their love for Donald Trump,” Cruz ranted. “I love Donald Trump. No, no. I love Donald Trump more. No, no, no. I have Donald Trump tattooed on my rear end.”

These comments coming from a Democrat would have made sense. But coming from a hypocrite like Cruz, all the comments really did were to make Rafael the butt of yet another joke — and the joke was on him.

“Let’s see it,” a rally-goer called out, referring to the “rear end tattoo.” It is utterly absurd. There IS no greater Trump sycophant than Rafael. It would be like Putin giving a speech on world peace — utterly preposterous. Let us not forget the sickening kissing up to Trump that Cruz did — AFTER Trump had insulted both his father AND his wife. It was mind-blowing, to say the least.

Twitter certainly took notice of the hypocrisy of Cruz. “Pot meet kettle” was a popular response. “Ted, you really shouldn’t weigh in on this,” said another Twitter user.

Republicans like Cruz are shameless in how much they lie. I have never met anyone who liked Ted Cruz. I suppose they must be out there. He must have a FEW fans — somewhere. The hypocrisy of Cruz mirrors the hypocrisy of the whole miserable non-party. That’s one of the primary things we need to highlight moving forward.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.