Birth control is on the table too

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“Because I can.” Those three words are, in this writer’s opinion, three of the most frightening words in the English language. They have been seen in movies. They have appeared in the literature. These words mean so little yet so much.

Many times these words have been uttered by fictitious killers. Often the victim asks this question sometimes with tears pouring down their cheeks. “Why? Why me?”

Sometimes the tormentor chooses not to answer. But other times, said tormentor might give a malevolent smile — and often enough utter those three chilling words. “Because I can.”

“Because I can” means there isn’t an answer. There is only power, domination, and control.

“Because we can” is the plural version and has appeared in numerous classic novels, including “The Stepford Wives of which I spoke about in another recent article.

“Because I can” are words that carry with them the unmistakable tone of indifference.

One cannot reason with a student of the “because I can” variety. They’re not the types to have empathy or even sympathy.Let’s take a look at Blake Masters. He wants to be Arizona’s next Republican Senator. And he has a platform. Would you like to know what that platform is? Just say no to contraception — and make it illegal.

On his website, this alien being says, “he will only vote to confirm federal Judges who understand that Roe and Griswold and Casey were wrongly decided.” Griswold v. Connecticut ALSO protected a couple’s right to buy and use contraception freely.

It isn’t just him. Senator Marsha Blackburn has also voiced the idea that birth control should be for married folks only. As we have been saying — this was never ever about abortion. It’s about control. It’s about the control of women, of anyone they want to control.

And if you asked them why? They would likely deny the obvious. They would probably not even answer the question. But if they were being true to themselves — their honest answer would have to be:
“Because I can.”

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