Vladimir Putin’s ineptness is reaching a whole new level

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Vladimir Putin has always been an evil deranged killer. The mass murder, terrorism, and cruel destruction that Putin has his military carrying out in Ukraine aren’t anything new for him. But one thing is new for Putin: his outright ineptness.

Putin idiotically invaded Ukraine without making sure his military was up to the task first. He bet big on the simplistic plan of simply winning quickly, which set him up to lose the war once he didn’t win quickly. Putin and his henchmen, once the kings of disinformation, now appear to have become quite inept at that as well.

Putin and his regime tried to fake the scene of an imaginary assassination attempt. And in a development that doesn’t sound like it could possibly be real, but is in fact real, whoever was instructed to plant SIM cards at the scene ended up planting copies of The Sims video games. No, really, this happened.

There’s nothing funny about the hell that Putin is putting Ukraine through. But it’s remarkable just how far Putin and his regime have fallen. They’ve gone from successfully planting disinformation during the 2016 U.S. election that helped alter the outcome, to now not even being able to stage a crime scene without making the most inept of chuckle-worthy mistakes. This suggests that Putin has lost a step, and that the henchmen around him aren’t nearly of the caliber they once were.

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