Kevin McCarthy is blowing this spectacularly

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There have been too many GOP scandals to count. We’ve had Jewish space lasers and Gazpacho soup. We’ve had murder memes and White Nationalist conventions. There has been hate speech and hateful actions. And Kevin McCarthy reaches his boiling point over ORGIES? Ah yes – I forgot the cocaine. Orgies and cocaine, it appears are Kevin’s limit.

SOMEONE (Could it be Kevin?) was reportedly quite angry at Madison Cawthorn for his comments about cocaine and orgies. So Kev had a friendly little chat with little boy blue.

Finally, Kevin McCarthy shows he cares about something! And that something is — cocaine. And orgies.

I’ll get back to the cowardly lion in a minute. But let’s talk about scarecrow Cawthorn. Because reportedly, A LOT of Republicans are FURIOUS at him. Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina is even getting behind a primary opponent to little boy blue.

Now McCarthy claims Cawthorn admitted he “exaggerated” his remarks. “He’s lost my trust,” Kevin McCarthy said sorrowfully to reporters. Cawthorn declined to speak to the press. So now we know Kevin’s sweet spot. It’s cocaine. And orgies.

I guess for Kevin, White Nationalism is fine. Insurrections are fine. Calling President Zelenskyy a “thug” must be okay because I don’t recall Kev having a fireside chat with Cawthorn on THAT subject. Speak not of cocaine and orgies!

Incidentally, Kevin has said little about his pal Donald Trump begging for help from Putin, who is hard at work murdering as many Ukrainians as possible. But don’t say cocaine!

Twitter appears delighted with these latest happenings. The term GOP has even acquired a new meaning for many tweeters — grand orgy party. You can’t make this stuff up.

Cawthorn, meanwhile, is cheerfully blaming the media for his faux pas. I don’t know why. He’s the one who brought this stuff up. And the moral of this little story is — the GOP has no morals. Morality is a foreign concept to them. Immorality, however, walks in lockstep with the Republican party every day.

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