Here comes the DOJ cavalry

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Even as defeatists have spent the entire time yelling “Merrick Garland is doing nothing,” Garland’s DOJ has managed to indict the entire Oath Keepers and Proud Boys leadership, cut a cooperation deal with Roger Stone’s Oath Keeper driver, win a protracted court battle over seized evidence against Rudy Giuliani, and more. Now the DOJ is calling in the cavalry.

The DOJ is now hiring 131 additional attorneys in order to pursue additional January 6th related prosecutions, according to MSNBC. We can already hear the defeatists yelling “Why didn’t they do this sooner?” But here’s the reality of it. The DOJ already has prosecutions in place against everyone in the January 6th hierarchy up through the leaders of the hate groups who helped organize and lead the attack. The DOJ’s next move is to begin bringing criminal cases against the people higher up the January 6th chain, who did not personally participate in the Capitol attack.

In other words, now that the DOJ has finally reached the stage where it’s in position to line up enough cooperating witnesses to decide whether to make a run at Trump world people, it’s hiring more than a hundred additional attorneys. If the DOJ were planning to wrap up its prosecutions at the hate group leaders and call it a day, it wouldn’t suddenly be hiring a hundred-plus additional attorneys to work on additional January 6th criminal cases.

We’ve already laid out the proof that the DOJ is in fact criminally targeting Trump world from a number of angles. Now the DOJ is bringing on a massive number of additional attorneys specifically in relation to January 6th. It’s not difficult to piece together the big picture of what’s going on here. Here comes the DOJ cavalry.

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