Donald Trump for prison

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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USA Today reported that Donald Trump is “in the crosshairs” of the House Select Committee. This should come as no surprise. Everyone who is not a Trump supporter knows that the blame for the January 6 insurrection rests solely with Donald Trump. Sure, others like Mo Brooks and Paul Gosar helped to spread his message that day, but had Trump not started the lie in the first place, neither Brooks, Gosar, or anyone else would have had a place to hang their hats. While you may not agree with Liz Cheney’s politics in general, she has a lot of chutzpah. She fought her party trying to get to the truth, even losing her leadership role. That tells you a lot about Cheney. The truth is greater than power, and it is a shame that there are not more politicians like her in Washington. Instead, we have people like Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, Josh Hawley, and the list goes on. They would rather sow seeds of chaos and turmoil than serve the very people who sent them to Washington in the first place.

Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson made a strong case with the fact that Trump idly sat by while his supporters ransacked the Capitol. That behavior was far more than dereliction of duty; it was treasonous. For his own personal gain, Trump helped plan and carry out an attempted coup of our government. It is unfathomable that people still support this ne’er-do-well. As that word implies, he is irresponsible, useless, and worthless. Thompson shared that while they are not specifically looking for anything criminal, “if we find it, we will absolutely make the (criminal) referral,” USA Today quoted Thompson as saying. Of course, Trump and his fans believe that to be the intent of the committee all along, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Every member of that committee and everyone else in Congress that day feared for their lives. It was clear the rioters were completely out of control. Some came with weapons, zip ties, and tactical gear. Try to explain all that away as innocent if you can, but that explanation will fall on deaf ears, especially the ears of those who cowered in the Capitol that day.

The more the committee digs into this event, the more frightening it becomes. One of the more frightening elements is the people who chose to become involved in Trump’s madness and now protect him with their silence. Mark Meadows must know that what Trump did was wrong, yet he is willing to risk his own freedom to keep Trump’s secrets. Trump knows that his behavior that day was wrong—even criminal—which is why he continues his fight to keep records from the committee. Surely, he knows that these congressmembers have better things to do than try to prosecute him for no reason. He is guilty; he deserves to be prosecuted and shut away from the light of day for the rest of his life. It is past time for him to pay, and perhaps—just maybe—this country can begin to heal.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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