Fox News gets caught in the act

Fake news seems to be here to stay. Wherever one looks these days, deception can be found. Whether it be via the internet, the television, social media, fake news is waiting for you, like a tornado puffed up with fakery, ready to pull unsuspecting viewers into its tumultuous vortex. And when it comes to fake news, Fox non-news reigns supreme.
The latest stunt from the psychopathic network takes the art of the lie to new and exciting heights. It has been revealed that Fox deceptively edited one of their segments to make President Biden appear to be racist. This all has to do with baseball legend Satchel Paige.
It all went down at Arlington National Cemetery. Biden was giving a speech when he mentioned Paige in the context of the Negro Leagues.
Biden’s reasons for bringing up Paige was to praise his athletic prowess. He was describing his life and who he had played for. Only Fox, wildly determined to find SOMETHING to insult our President for editing out the word “leagues.” They seemed to want to paint Biden as simply referring to Paige as a “negro.”
And the gleaming-eyed pundits, eyes alight with malice, promptly did their thing. Sean Hannity, looking like he was about to fall asleep (that’s been his look for a long time), solemnly referred to Biden’s comments as “disturbing.”
Julie Banderas said Biden was “drawing new ridicule” with his comments. Fox and Friends claimed Biden was in hot water. Of course, none of this was true. It was the psychopaths at Fox who were in hot water — or at least exposed as the liars they are — and it did not take long either.
What Fox does not seem to get is that Twitter users are smart. In fact, many are a whole lot smarter than Fox. As I write this, the edited Fox video is being slammed on Twitter for the propaganda it is. It’s just another pathetic mark against a network whose fervent wish to be taken seriously will never come to pass.