Kevin McCarthy is in disarray

There are some people who will do just about anything to get what they want. They see something they covet, and they have no problem lying, manipulating, shoving others aside to try to grasp that shiny object. Kevin McCarthy is one such person.
McCarthy (empty inside, insurrection cult, California) wants to be House speaker. He wants that a lot. Sometimes, one wonders if being speaker is all the man thinks about. Does he ever think about his constituents? Does he ever think of new ways to help them put food on the table and have better quality lives?
I am pretty sure the answer would be no. McCarthy seemingly cares only about his own needs — and pleasing Donald Trump. So, with great satisfaction, I can say McCarthy is probably not too happy right now. Because per multiple reports, McCarthy’s speakership is in jeopardy.
First off, Kevin becoming speaker assumes Democrats lose the House next year, which I do not believe will happen. But that is not what I’m referring to. Many in the GOP non-party are reportedly furious at cowardly Kev. They blame him for President Biden’s infrastructure bill passing.
Apparently, the fact that 13 Republicans voted for this bill is infuriating many in the insurrection party, and many of them are blaming — McCarthy. They are now questioning Kevin’s leadership skills.
All of this does not surprise me. The fact that this bill will create scores of new jobs? The GOP will despair over that. The fact that roads and bridges will be fixed? The GOP couldn’t care less. After all — it’s not as if they want to HELP the American people.
McCarthy did not help himself when he made public comments, bragging about how the bill “would fail.” That did not happen. So, yes, Kevin’s leadership skills are being questioned right now by his evil group of cronies. And I happen to be enjoying the fact that McCarthy’s on the hot seat. The man is a monster and should never get anywhere close to power.