We’re running out of time on this one

Personal note from Bill Palmer – we're going to win this election! Help support Palmer Report at this crucial time:
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The Virginia Governor’s race is coming up quickly. And the polls are still too close for comfort. We, as activists, must do as much as possible to make sure Virginia stays blue. Virginia was not always a sure thing. It used to be purely red, then started trending purple, and yes, these days, it is a blue oasis in the south.

But that is no guarantee. As I have said in previous articles, there is that pendulum. Since time began, the pendulum has been around, and where it swings one way, it is always out there, ready and able to swing the other way. And we have learned this the hard way.

Terry McAuliffe is a winning candidate, to be sure. He has an outstanding record, is trustworthy, and fully supports Covid vaccines and guidelines. His Republican challenger, Glenn Youngkin, does not. Youngkin, if elected, would most likely turn sweet Virginia into the next Florida in regards to Covid.

Trump lost Virginia in the last election by ten points. This means nothing.

There is genuine enthusiasm among Republican voters in Virginia. Recent pols have shown that. This race is much too close for comfort. So I have compiled a list of what activists can do to help and contribute.

Phone bank. Knock on doors if you live in Virginia. Post a “remember to vote” message on your social. Post it on EVERY social media account you have.

Design fliers or ask someone you know to do it. Distribute them in places that are prominent and where it is legal to do so. Educate middle-of-the-road voters on who Youngkin is and the danger he poses to Virginia.
Please make a list of every person you know in Virginia and ask them to vote.

Drive people to the polls on voting day. Tweet out weekly or even daily reminders of the race in Virginia. Tell everyone you know to do the same. Attend any rallies or campaign events for Terry that you can.

Donate to his campaign if possible. Tell all your never-Trumper friends that Youngkin has said he’d support the orange traitor were he to run in 2024.

One cannot do ALL these things themselves. But do whatever you can. All the activism worked in California. It worked in Georgia special elections. It worked in the 2020 Presidential election. Now we must make it work in the Virginia Governor’s race.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – we're going to win this election! Help support Palmer Report at this crucial time:
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