There’s good news and bad news
I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that Terry McAuliffe is ahead in the Virginia Governor’s race. The bad news is that he is only slightly ahead. We need to fix that.
Glen Youngkin, the Republican candidate, has been screwing up lately. He recently had to clarify that he would have certified the Presidential election for Joe Biden. He had to give that clarification because the first time this subject came up, he never answered. No doubt, Youngkin was deeply afraid of pissing off his master, the orange maggot.
And although Terry is ahead in terms of registered voters, a recent poll gave Youngkin the edge in terms of LIKELY voters.
So please, Virginians — please take this seriously. My fear is the same as it was with Governor Newsom. I do not want to see people thinking Terry has it in the bag. We cannot afford to get complacent. That is when we lose elections.
Terry is a known quantity in Virginia, he is well-liked and has been battle-tested. The problem is many in Virginia just ASSUME he will win. Please don’t, Virginians.
Yes, Virginia is reliably blue. But before it was reliably blue, it was reliably red. Remember the pendulum. It can swing the other way when one least expects it. So please — if you live in Virginia or know people who do — please stress the importance of this off-year race, and PLEASE make sure everybody you know gets out and votes for Terry.
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