Ron DeSantis can’t stop this

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Some people just inspire awe. These people are the ones who fight for America and take no prisoners doing it. They fight because they care. They are deeply passionate about their love for our country and the people in it. So they fight fiercely, and they suffer no fools because their love for America and for doing what’s right is a shining light inside them. This brings me to Governor Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis is the opposite of the people I just described. He fights only for himself and his fellow sycophants whose votes he needs. His actions have shown him to be a stubborn and cold man who does not do what is best for Florida.

Palmer Report has brought you the story of DeSantis and his fall from grace. It is happening in real-time as it should for such a man as this. But the Governor is up against goodness. And he has no idea what in the heck to do with goodness.

DeSantis has threatened to withhold the salaries of teachers should they violate his no-mask mandates. This is just cruel and highlights the seemingly bottomless cruelty of the Governor.

Only teachers are not having it. Teachers are rising up. Because teachers are the best of the best, they love our precious children in a way a man such as DeSantis could never understand.

Many teachers in Florida are giving a big “up yours” to DeSantis and have said they will continue to enforce mask mandates. Good for them!

Broward County School Board member Nora Rupert summed the situation up with some choice words: “Standing up for our students and our families is part of the job….bring it. Bring it.”

These are the people who need to run for office. These are the fearless patriots that highlight the beauty and the love of our country. So DeSantis, you are way out of your league because love will always conquer evil. So bring it on, Mr. Governor. Nothing you do will stop the advocacy and the fighting spirit of heroes.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we're in this together. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research, and we need to become a reader supported site. You can help Palmer Report succeed by donating just $5!