Matt Gaetz is just about out of time

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It’s always tricky to try to predict when the target of a long running criminal investigation might be indicted – except in instances where prosecutors just flat out say when it’s going to happen. For instance, when New York prosecutors began telling people about the timeframe for the initial Trump Organization indictments and the media printed it, sure enough, it happened in that timeframe. This brings us to Matt Gaetz.

The escalating criminal case against Donald Trump and the Trump Organization has deservedly dominated the headlines over the past few weeks. But it’s managed to overshadow the ongoing federal criminal investigation into Matt Gaetz, which has reportedly involved a number of alleged crimes, including underage sex trafficking. Notably, back in mid-June, ABC News reported that if Gaetz is going to be indicted, it was expected to happen in July.

It’s worth pointing out that we’re now five days into July. This means that we’re looking Matt Gaetz being indicted and arrested somewhere between zero and four weeks from now. That’s not a lot of remaining time, given that the criminal investigation has been public knowledge for a few months, and has reportedly been going on behind the scenes since last year.

Matt Gaetz may still be holding out hope that the Feds end up announcing they weren’t able to make a criminal case against him after all. That’s theoretically possible. But given that the Feds have Joel Greenberg and Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend as cooperating witnesses against him, let’s just say that they wouldn’t have been given leniency unless they were able to show that they had something of value on Gaetz.

So it’s a strong bet that Matt Gaetz will indeed be indicted and arrested this month. There’s no guarantee that the charges will ultimately include some of the most heinous crimes that we’ve heard about. But it seems nearly a given that Gaetz will be indicted on at least some kind of criminal charges, within a few weeks or a few days.

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