Kevin McCarthy goes totally off the deep end

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

The words “shameless” and “Republicans” do go hand in hand. And the words “Kevin McCarthy” and “hypocrite” are interchangeable. McCarthy (shameless hypocrite, insurrection party, California) gave quite a speech the other day.

And MSNBC host Brian Williams featured parts of the dreadful speech on his show.

Williams is a host with snark. And Williams proceeded to use that snark full steam on the hapless California. Williams featured a segment aptly titled “We need to talk about Kevin.”

The House was voting on whether to remove statues honoring people who defended the Confederacy. This vote was 285-120, with all the people voting no being GOP members.

McCarthy, who did vote no, decided to give a speech first. Standing shamelessly, looking rather psychotic, Kev proceeded to announce the Democrats have not come far since the days of Jim Crow.

He then invoked the KKK. Why he did that is a mystery. It would seem the idiotic Congressman was trying to imply the Democrats support the KKK. I think he should ask David Duke which party is the part of the klan. Kevin then brought up Critical Race Theory. Is anyone surprised?

Nobody appeared to be listening, including the guy behind him, who seemed to either be lightly dozing or about to be lightly dozing. I suppose McCarthy thought this speech was good for his side. I do not know why he felt this way, but given that nothing McCarthy does ever seems to work out well, I suppose this should not be surprising.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.