Trump stooge Sidney Powell completely jumps the shark

Sidney Powell will not be outdone by herself. Yes, the last we heard of her is when she answered the election company lawsuit for $1.3 billion damages by stating that “no reasonable person would have taken her rhetoric seriously.”
But, on Sunday, she spoke before a QAnon event in Dallas saying that Trump could be reinstated as President even at this date and “that a new Inauguration Day is set.” This would, in effect, overthrow our present government because there is no provision to declare an ex-President be installed in office against the will of the people through their election.
How can she say to a court of law that no reasonable person would have taken her election rhetoric seriously, and then go on to say that Trump will be reinstated? I think we should take Sidney Powell at her word that no reasonable person should take her rhetoric seriously.
She should have her law license reviewed because attorneys should not advocate government overthrow. She should also be up for treason charges, along with Michael Flynn. “It would take a new constitutional amendment to change that,” Eugene Volokh, a professor at UCLA School of Law, told CNN.