President Biden’s latest poll numbers are phenomenal

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President Biden has been a welcome change in leadership, personifying the radical change from divisive confusion, negativity and total incompetence, to coherent understanding, positive energy and presidential prowess.

According to a recent Trump-friendly Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, Biden received 62% approval for his overall job performance and 38% disapproval. By comparison, in May 2017, the same poll showed the former guy garnered only 45% approval. Mark Penn, the Director of this poll, was an advisor to Trump during his impeachment hearings.

Biden received his highest marks for reining in the Covid pandemic, at 70%, but he also scored 62% for his handling of the economy and job stimulation. Biden’s worst review was for his handling of immigration, which was still positive at 53%.

Those who believe the economy is “strong” has grown 10 points since January, at 56%. The majority of respondents believe the economy has grown stronger due to the widespread distribution of coronavirus vaccines, at 54%. The poll surveyed almost 2000 respondents from May 19-20.

It’s so nice to have a President who is so well put-together, and not to have to worry about who is running our country. Although we’ve hit some blips with inflation, economists are reassuring that it is only temporary and production will catch up with us. President Biden has put us on the right track. And he’s a sharp dresser, too!

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