Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just got his butt handed to him

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Even though there are plenty who come close, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has to be the worst Governor in the nation. He’s a walking talking scandal. He botches everything he touches. He’s a jerk to everyone. He’s screwed up the pandemic and the vaccine rollout something fierce. Now he’s getting called out.

Ron DeSantis loves making claims about how pandemic safety measures have somehow been the real problem during the pandemic. But now PolitiFact and Kaiser Health are jointly fact checking DeSantis on this, calling out his dangerous lies:

Meanwhile, DeSantis continues to try to corruptly steer COVID vaccine availability to Republican-leaning counties and wealthy neighborhoods, as he tries to make the rollout all about benefiting himself and his voters and donors, at the expense of the state overall. DeSantis is up for reelection next year and must be defeated.

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