Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are now very publicly trying to destroy each other

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

You cannot make this stuff up. You just can’t. So, where are we at right now? As it stands currently, the whole of the Republican party is disintegrating right before our eyes. And you better believe this period in time will be studied by historians for generations.

So, now it is open warfare between Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, with McConnell essentially calling for Trump to go to prison the other day, and now Trump issuing a surreal statement slamming McConnell. The gloves are off, but the claws are out. And the hapless Republicans need to pick a team. Now the Republicans cannot be happy about having to pick a side because that requires them to think, which, as you have seen, they have a difficult time doing. But, alas, they do not seem to be left with much choice now.

This has gone from politics to almost a boxing match between the two rivals. So let’s treat it like the boxing match that it is.

In this corner, we have Senator Mitch McConnell. Fighter McConnell is best known for confirming unqualified judges, refusing to bring bills to the floor that can help people, and denying the incoming Attorney General a confirmation hearing.

And in this corner, we have Terrorist Trump, also referred to as Individual 1. Fighter Trump is known for not paying his bills on time, insulting and degrading women, the disabled, and people of color, separating families at the border, and inciting a deadly insurrection.

Who will win? Who will triumph? Hard to know that as both fighters are currently falling apart in real time. Perhaps neither will win, which at the rate both these warring teams are going, is starting to look very likely indeed.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.