Palm Beach investigating whether Donald Trump must be evicted from Mar-a-Lago

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At this point Donald Trump is practically a fugitive at Mar-a-Lago, where he’s killing time while awaiting his inevitable indictment and arrest at the hands of New York State, and possible indictment and arrest at the hands of the Feds. But now Trump may not even last that long at Mar-a-Lago.

Years ago Trump signed a legally binding agreement with Palm Beach, Florida, in which he would never be a resident of Mar-a-Lago, in exchange for property tax concessions. But now that Trump has been evicted from the White House and seems afraid to set foot in his former home of Trump Tower in New York, he’s become a full time Mar-a-Lago resident.

City officials are now confirming that they’ve begun the process of looking into the legal agreement at hand. When you consider that some of Trump’s powerful neighbors have been complaining that his presence has brought down their property values, this just might go somewhere.

Evictions take time, and we’ve seen that Trump knows how to drag out a court battle, even when he’s definitely going to lose it in the end. But there are now questions as to how long he’ll be able to remain at Mar-a-Lago, and where he would even go if he’s evicted. Of course once he’s behind bars, he won’t need a primary residence anyway.

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