People who can’t follow the law shouldn’t be able to make law

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The United States Congress and down ballot elected positions are rapidly becoming a haven for lawbreakers and its up to us to purge this and end it. We’ve had issues in the Congress in the recent past with the likes of Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins, but while they abused positions of trust, at least they didn’t attempt to overthrow the government.

There’s a sharp contrast coming into focus now. Lately we’ve seen posts by far-right groups bragging that they are, and have been, installing “their people” in positions of power from “city councils to Congress.”

We should have seen the signs when Rep. Greg Gianforte (R-Mont) was elected despite committing assault on a member of the press, but we did nothing and he was elected to the Congress despite it. Now, newly elected West Virginia legislator Derrick Evans was recently arrested for his part in the Capitol attack, along with “Cowboys for Trump” New Mexico Otero County Commissioner, Couy Griffin, who vowed to return to the Capitol city on Inauguration day with guns. Lauren Boebert’s rap sheet has been circulating on social media for a week. And of course there’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, who vows to introduce Articles of Impeachment for President-Elect Biden on Thursday. Greene was aptly nicknamed “Q-Anon Lady” by a more reasonable freshman House Republican, Nancy Mace.

Now Raw Story is reporting that another Arizona GOP hopeful for Phoenix City Council, Nicole Garcia, has deleted Tweets praising the insurrectionist attack on our United States Capitol as “the most American thing that’s happened in a long time.” Rational thinking people of course know there are few things that can be more Anti-American than an attack on the very heart of our constitutional republic.

People who break the law should not be in charge of making law. And, while, hindsight is 20/20 we now know it’s up to us to act. The 2020 election is barely in the rear-view mirror but the news of those like Nicole Garcia is a stark reminder that we cannot let our foot off the gas. Make your vote count in every election, no matter how insignificant you may think it to be.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.