Donald Trump’s bizarre Iowa speech tonight suggests rapidly diminishing mental capacity

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

When it comes to simplistic and semi-coherent speeches at political rallies, Donald Trump has already set the bar historically low over the past two years. But when he made a campaign appearance in Iowa tonight, it was so bizarre – even by his distressing standards – that it quite honestly felt like evidence that his mental capacity has significantly diminished since he took office.

Don’t get me wrong; some of Trump’s speech in Iowa tonight was just his standard issue attempt at pushing simplistic lies on his own simplistically delusional base. For instance he stoked up the racism in his base by suggesting that immigrants shouldn’t be allowed to collect welfare for the first five years they’re in the United States. That’s already the law, and he probably he knows as much. Calling for something that already exists was just his way of convincing his racist base that there’s a racist problem in need of a racist solution. But that wasn’t the bizarre part.

It’s was Trump’s overall approach. He insulted Iowans by attacking wind power, even though Iowa is the nation’s largest producer of wind power. “I don’t want to just hope the wind blows to light up your homes,” he said, in a statement so inexplicably moronic that it couldn’t have been calculated. Elsewhere Trump said “I’m not a farmer, but I’d be very happy to be one.” Even the farmers in his own base don’t fall that kind of pandering.

I wish I could point to additional specific moments during Donald Trump’s speech tonight. But it was more about the overall feel of his speech from start to finish. It felt less like him pretending to be mentally incompetent for the benefit of a base that wants him to say simplistic things, and more like him truly coming off as mentally incompetent. If you also watched it, you may have gotten the same feeling. Something was off, way off, even by Trump’s demented standards. Stay tuned.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.