Nancy Pelosi just called Donald Trump’s bluff

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House wanted a relief package with $2000 direct relief checks, but Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate forced the Democrats to swallow a mere $600 package last night. Now Donald Trump is calling for more – and Pelosi is immediately calling his bluff.

After Trump tweeted a video announcing that he wants $2000 relief checks, Pelosi responded with this: “Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!”

Now we’ll see if Trump was serious, and if so, what McConnell decides to do. Trump surely has ulterior motives for wanting the $2000 checks; we suspect it’s because if he puts cash in Americans’ hands, a few of them will donate it back to his election relief fund. But whatever the reason, this now places pressure on McConnell and the Republican Senate to agree to a higher dollar amount – thanks to Pelosi quickly calling Trump’s bluff.

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