Next stop: Donald Trump’s arraignment

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– Now that the Supreme Court has told Donald Trump to go pound sand, his doomed legal battle over the election is officially over. Even if he tries to bring more election cases after the Electoral College votes on Monday, they won’t get a whiff of a hearing. In fact, the next time Trump goes to court, it’ll likely be his arraignment when he’s arrested.

– Over on pro-Trump social network Parler, these idiots are saying… oh who cares, they lost.

– Did Trump really think the three Supreme Court Justices he put on the court were going to stick their necks out to try to help him in a scenario like this? Sure, they might have helped him if he’d lost the deciding state by a few hundred votes. But after Biden won in a blowout, they were never going to be able to hand him the election, so they weren’t going to burn up their own viability by trying. It’s simply how things work in conservative politics. Trump, ever the narcissist, never did figure that out.

– Tweet of the day, from conservative pundit Bill Kristol: “The Whig Party fractured and died in the 1850s over slavery. Will the Republican Party fracture and die in the 2020s over democracy?”

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