Donald Trump is about the hold the most insane press conference of his life

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Joe Biden is now within 78,000 votes in Pennsylvania and closing fast. The remaining math suggests that Biden will end up winning the state easily. We suspect that once Biden pulls ahead in Pennsylvania, the major networks may call the state for him – which would make Biden the winner of the election.

Donald Trump has spent the past two days in hiding, letting his idiot son Eric do his bidding for him. But Trump has a fairly consistent pattern of waiting to take action until it’s too late to matter anyway, and sure enough, now Trump is suddenly holding an emergency press conference at the White House, scheduled for 6:30pm eastern time. Nice try.

Whatever Trump says or does during this press conference, it’s not going to change the outcome of the election at all. He’ll likely spout conspiracy theories, declare himself the winner, and lay out imaginary strategies for magically winning the election – but it won’t matter. All that Trump can do is hurt himself during this press conference if his behavior is particularly unhinged.

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