The Trump family meltdown is underway

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Everyone in the Trump family suffers from some type of delusion. Donald Trump claimed that we would have a vaccine by election day, which is so not happening. Besides, like Joe Biden, unless a medical doctor said the vaccine was safe, I certainly would not take it just because Trump said so. Now, one of Trump’s aides claims that Trump’s promise was “an arbitrary deadline,” Politico has reported. No, it was not arbitrary; it was merely one in a long line of whoppers told by “president” Donald Trump during his four years in office.

Trump’s aide Alyssa Farah claimed that they are “highly confident” that there will be a vaccine by the end of the year and claimed: “His goal has never — Election Day is kind of an arbitrary deadline.” As recently as the final debate between Trump and Joe Biden, Trump proclaimed: “we have a vaccine that is ready and will be announced within weeks.” Has she been listening to the same lie-filled speeches the rest of us heard? Apparently not. We should not be surprised by the sudden change of heart. This is Trump’s typical way of “governing.”

Then, we have Trump’s delusional sons, Eric and Don Jr. According to Politico, Eric confirmed his father’s comment that they are moving the election party from Trump’s hotel to the White House. First, they are assuming they even need a party on election night. The American people will be happy to give Trump a going away party if that is the outcome of the election, and it is certainly looking that way right now. Second, the Trumps have always treated the White House like it is their own personal property. Trump, of course, blames DC Mayor Muriel Bowser for “shutting down” the city. Continuing their tired lines about COVID-19, Politico reported that Don Jr. downplayed coronavirus with the completely out of touch statement: “The number [of deaths] is almost nothing.”

Let us look (again) at coronavirus numbers, and perhaps we might enlighten Don Jr. The number of infections currently stands at more than 8.9 million. Over 228,000 have died from the virus. Just last week, we saw a single-day record of 83,000 cases on Friday and 88,000 cases Thursday. Politico reported that deaths are also on the rise, though those numbers take longer to report. While doctors are doing a better job of managing the virus, it continues to spread. I can guarantee that the family of the 228,000 who have died do not find these numbers to be “almost nothing.” To make matters worse, Don, Jr., who claims he “went through the CDC data (as if he could understand it), is questioning why there are not more deaths. Trust me, Don Jr., they are coming. What part of “deaths typically lag behind” does he not get? Don Jr. is a complete idiot. He is merely trying to prop up his father’s failed presidency.

If nothing else, we can look forward to the end of the Delusional Dynasty known as Trump, come November 4. It will be nice to have them all crawl back under the rock from which they came.

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