Somebody do something!
For all the insanity, this has been a remarkably boring election. Joe Biden has had an eight point lead against Trump in the polling averages all along, he still has an eight point lead in the polling averages, it never changes, Trump’s antics have done nothing to change it, and Trump’s upcoming antics are just as unlikely to do anything to change it. This election is going to come down to whether we turn out and vote, nothing more.
I warned you all along that once Trump realized he couldn’t win, he’d threaten to just stay in office, to test if you’re gullible enough to believe he can somehow magically do that. Today begins the test. Your job is to laugh at the idiot, and then go vote him out in record numbers.
One of the most important things you do can right now is turn off MSNBC, and ideally leave it off for the rest of the election. If I had a dollar for every activist I’ve seen get paralyzed into inaction by the scary ratings-driven nonsense on that network… just turn it off and get to work.
At times like this, if you find yourself yelling “why doesn’t somebody do something,” you’re that somebody. Elections bring change. Elections are won through voter registration and volunteering. Get to work!
Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report