Yeah, this isn’t going to work

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

For quite some time, the strong possibility of Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his running mate has been on the table. Donald Trump and his campaign have had a very long time to come up with a gameplan for how they wanted to fight back against her. But it’s clear that Trump doesn’t have a clue.

During Trump’s hastily called press conference on Tuesday evening, he resorted to his old tired sexist line of calling Kamala Harris “nasty,” and he rolled out one of his lamest and laziest nicknames yet: “Phony Kamala.” This predictably got him nowhere. Trump has been getting diminishing returns on these tropes for some time, yet he keeps using them, seemingly oblivious that they’re not working for him.

Or maybe Trump is aware that he has no idea how to hit back at Kamala Harris. When he called in to the Sean Hannity show on Tuesday night, Trump was clearly supposed to be bashing Harris, as evidenced by the footage of her that Hannity had on the screen. But instead Trump spent most of that segment complaining about windmills, as if he’d rather have been doing anything in that moment than trying to figure out how to attack an opponent he has no idea how to crack.

We’ll see what Donald Trump ends up coming up with against Kamala Harris. He’s not simply going to roll over and give up simply because Joe Biden has picked a phenomenally strong running mate. But Trump had months on end to prepare his attack on her, and he came up with nothing that’s going to help him. If what we saw yesterday was Trump’s Plan A against Harris, you have to figure his Plan B is going to be even stupider.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.