Donald Trump can’t even pass muster with his own campaign

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NBC News reported that since the Trump campaign team returned from its “pause and reset,” their campaign ads are missing two things: the pandemic and a candidate. It is both laughable and sad that the campaign is trying to work around the very candidate they want in office. Maybe they think that if they beat the “Joe Biden is not fit for office” drum loudly enough, people will vote for Trump by default. Good luck with that. While Trump’s campaign scrambles to deliver a message that will drive people to vote for him in November, Biden’s campaign is focused.

Most of Biden’s advertising has been spent showing Biden giving speeches about the pandemic and the lack of response from the White House. NBC News calls this a “not-so-subtle pushback” to the “Biden in the basement” tack favored by Trump’s campaign. In contrast, none of Trump’s campaign ads even acknowledge the pandemic, let alone propose solutions. NBC believes that Trump’s ads reflect the inability of Trump and his campaign to give any type of positive message from Trump about how he plans to fight and recover from the virus. Perhaps that is because he has none.

Instead of focusing on the issues at hand, Trump spent the weekend at his New Jersey golf resort, coming up with a plan that is going to get shot down in court. The dealmaker in his element of failure. When he was not coming up with useless plans that failed before they even began, he was engaging in his other favorite pastime: tweeting insults. He continues to refer to Joe Biden as “Sleepy Joe,” but Biden did something this weekend that blows that moniker out of the water — and Fox News helped.

While Trump sat on his rear at his expensive country club ($350,000 membership fee), Joe Biden was riding his bike with friends when Peter Doocy of Fox News yelled out to inquire about his vice-presidential pick. The piece aired on Fox News and went viral on social media. Perhaps it was kismet, but while Biden was riding his bike, Trump was sitting on his ass at Bedminster, tweeting out attacks against Biden, referring to him as “Sleepy Joe Biden.”

Think about that for a minute. Here is old, senile Joe Biden “briskly,” according to CNN, riding his bike while Trump, who looks like a stroke in waiting, referred to Biden as “sleepy.” Twitter took it and ran, trending the hashtag “Trump Can’t Ride a Bike.” One user even combined video of Biden on his bike with Trump’s labored walk down the ramp at West Point. To end this day of levity, CNN reported that Trump stormed out a press conference when a reporter called him on lying about Veteran’s Choice, which was signed into law in 2014 by President Obama not by “president” Trump as he claims.

This could not have been a better campaign ad for Biden if he had come up with the idea himself. The choice is clear: we can choose “Sleepy Joe Biden,” who is not so sleepy after all, or we can choose the liar-in-chief. Realistically, there is no choice.

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