Donald Trump just got intercepted

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Donald Trump is facing a deadly pandemic that’s killed roughly 150,000 Americans and counting. He’s facing poll numbers so ugly, he’s not even currently in contention for reelection. And if he loses the election, New York State is going to put him in prison. So what’s he doing to try to turn things around?

In a development so idiotic that we wouldn’t believe it if it weren’t coming from multiple major news outlets, Donald Trump decided to go golfing today – with former NFL quarterback Brett Favre. Wait, is Trump under the impression that this somehow helps his prospects?

Favre is merely reminding us that he’s as much of a doofus as ever. Earlier this month Favre strongly praised Colin Kaepernick. Now he’s golfing with Donald Trump, who helped lead the charge in keeping Kaepernick blackballed. But this isn’t about Favre. This is about Trump, who doesn’t understand how bad it looks that he’s out golfing today, or no longer cares.

It’s almost as if Donald Trump has given up on the election, and given up any hope of having a future, and he’s just trying to find ways to enjoy himself in the meantime. But this is idiotic even for him. To use a term that Brett Favre would understand, Trump just got intercepted.

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