Donald Trump just created a whole new mess for himself
It’s bad enough that Donald Trump’s dishonest, negligent, and psychotic mishandling of the coronavirus has resulted in thousands of Americans dying. And it’s bad enough that with a bunch of sailors stuck on a coronavirus-infected Navy ship, Trump and his regime aren’t doing nearly enough to help them. Now Trump has gone and made it far worse – for himself.
Donald Trump, his Acting Secretary of the Navy, and the failed Trump regime have made the asinine move of relieving the Navy ship’s captain from command, because he dared to sound the alarm about the danger his sailors were in. This has resulted in a round of negative headlines criticizing the move. It’s also resulted in stunning, visceral video footage of the captain’s crew loudly applauding him as he left the ship. That footage is going viral on social media, and it’s being aired on cable news all day long.
This idiotic move on Donald Trump’s part has turned into an ugly scandal for him – and it’s only serving to draw further attention to how badly Trump has mishandled the coronavirus crisis. It’s also created outrage among a number of military veterans, potentially costing Trump votes in November.
This is yet another instance of Donald Trump and his failed regime doing things that are equal parts spiteful and self-defeating. There’s a perception that Trump keeps “getting away” with these kinds of things. But if you look at his underwater approval rating, and his increasingly bleak reelection prospects, it suggests that he’s not on track to get away with anything.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report