Donald Trump’s stunt against Andrew McCabe just blew up in his face
Last month the Trump regime leaked that the Department of Justice had signed off on criminally indicting former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for alleged misleading testimony. This was an obvious revenge plot on Donald Trump’s part, as McCabe committed no crimes. At the time, Palmer Report and others asked if there really even was an indictment, because if so, why wasn’t he arrested?
It turns out Andrew McCabe is one of the people who doesn’t think he’s really been indicted. He’s gone to court to try to force the Department of Justice’s hand. Sure enough, a judge has ordered the DOJ to either charge McCabe or announce that it’s dropped the investigation – and if it doesn’t meet the deadline it’ll have to turn over all of the records related to McCabe’s firing.
This represents a series of bad options for Donald Trump. If his DOJ has to announce that it’s dropping the case against Andrew McCabe, it’ll be admitting that Trump’s deranged conspiracy theories about McCabe and Hillary Clinton were indeed made-up nonsense. If the DOJ has to release the records of McCabe’s firing, it’ll hand McCabe the evidence he needs to prove in his civil suit that he was wrongfully terminated, and they’ll have to re-hire him.
It’s becoming clear that the Department of Justice leaked a misleading story to create the false appearance that Andrew McCabe had been indicted, in order to please Donald Trump. Now it represents yet another instance of the Trump regime overreaching in the name of trying to give credence to Trump’s lunatic conspiracy theories, and having it blow up in Trump’s face.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report