Did Donald Trump’s handlers just try to hide him from public view again?

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Several days back, Donald Trump announced that he was canceling his diplomatic trip to Poland because he had to stay home and focus on the government’s hurricane response. He then proceeded to play golf the whole time, except for the few instances where he told the wrong state that the hurricane was going to hit them. Somewhere in there, Trump essentially congratulated Poland for having been invaded by the Nazis.

It was fairly clear that Donald Trump’s handlers didn’t want him going to Poland because he’s falling to pieces by the day in terms cognitive abilities and mental competence. They’re trying to keep him off the stage as much as possible, for fear he’ll say or do something that might expose just how far gone he is. Now it’s quite possibly happened again.

Donald Trump flew to North Carolina today, supposedly to take a tour of hurricane damage with the Governor. That tour ended up being canceled due to bad weather, but not until after Trump and Air Force One had landed at MCAS Cherry Point. Did no one in the Trump regime bother to check a weather report before flying all the way there, or did Trump’s handlers merely use the weather as an excuse to cancel the tour at the last minute?

This is worth keeping an eye on. Donald Trump has since left Cherry Point and headed to Fayetteville, where he’s holding a rally tonight for the Republican candidate in an upcoming special election. Trump’s handlers probably can’t find a way to keep him from giving his rally speeches, because that’s the only part of the job he enjoys. So let’s see just how far off the rails the increasingly erratic Trump goes tonight, during an event where his handlers can’t keep him off the stage.

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.