Here’s the official House impeachment resolution against Donald Trump – and it’s straight out of Watergate

Over the weekend the news broke that the House Judiciary Committee would be formalizing its impeachment probe against Donald Trump this week. At the time, Palmer Report suggested that this was what had been driving Trump’s increasingly erratic, frantic, and obsessively deranged behavior (Sharpie-gate, etc). Sure enough, the official impeachment resolution was released today – and it’s a doozy.
House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler posted the impeachment resolution, which will be voted on (and passed) this week. The key here is that Nadler is turning this into a full blown impeachment probe. He’s asserting the ability to review secret grand jury material from Robert Mueller’s trials, which means that judges will likely hand over that material even if Attorney General Bill Barr objected. Nadler is also seizing the ability to declare that any given committee or subcommittee hearing is part of the impeachment probe, thus giving the Democratic chairs far greater power when it comes to evidence and witnesses.
What’s fascinating is that this is the same strategy that the House invoked when it was preparing to impeach Richard Nixon, before he resigned under pressure, as pointed out by NBC News and other news outlets. This means that the House Judiciary Committee isn’t simply trying to appease its own base by putting on a token impeachment inquiry.
The only reason to be this aggressive is if the House is planning to put on the kind of impeachment hearings that’ll bruise and batter Donald Trump to the point that there’s nothing left of his presidency, thus ensuring that he’ll get blown out in 2020, – thus forcing Senate Republicans to consider whether they really want to go into 2020 with Trump still on the ballot, which would cause a GOP wipeout across the board. Welcome to the impeachment show.