Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Joe Biden attack blows up in his face

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It was the idiotic tweet heard round the world. Donald Trump, while on foreign soil, openly celebrated the fact that murderous North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un had called former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden a “low IQ individual.” Trump didn’t help his cause by misspelling Biden’s name. But the much larger point was that Trump was once again siding with an objectively evil foreign enemy over the United States. It didn’t exactly play well for him. Now he’s going berserk about it.

The Biden campaign decided to handle Trump’s humiliating moment in a grown-up manner, releasing a statement saying that “The President’s comments are beneath the dignity of the office … And it’s part of a pattern of embracing autocrats at the expense of our institutions — whether taking Putin’s word at face value in Helsinki or exchanging ‘love letters’ with Kim Jong Un.” This helped solidify that Trump’s attempted cheap shot at Biden was backfiring on him. So naturally, Trump took to Twitter again and made it even worse.

Donald Trump actually tweeted this crap just now: “I was actually sticking up for Sleepy Joe Biden while on foreign soil. Kim Jong Un called him a “low IQ idiot,” and many other things, whereas I related the quote of Chairman Kim as a much softer “low IQ individual.” Who could possibly be upset with that?”

So there you have it. Donald Trump’s stunt didn’t help his cause, and so now he’s trying to back down slightly from it, while simultaneously ramping up the insults at Joe Biden. This isn’t going to work for Trump either. But when your entire political stance is based on cheap insults and arrogant idiocy, Trump doesn’t really have anywhere else to go with this.

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