Donald Trump Jr goes off the deep end

Considering he was raised by a mentally unstable malignant narcissist and delusional lunatic like Donald Trump, it’s perhaps not surprising that Donald Trump Jr lives in a fantasy world. The guy committed treason and was dumb enough to express his excitement about it in writing. He spends all day tweeting conspiracy theories that are even more deranged than the crap his father comes up with. But now Junior has truly gone off the deep end.
Just how far removed is Donald Trump Jr from any semblance of reality? After Democratic Governor Ralph Northam was caught posing in a KKK/blackface photo in his 1984 medical school yearbook, prominent Democrats across the country were calling for his resignation within hours. Northam’s admission that he was in the photo, followed by his subsequent claim that it wasn’t him in the photo, prompted Democrats to demand his resignation even more forcefully. But apparently none of this is happening in Trump Jr’s warped reality.
Here’s what Donald Trump Jr had to say about the Northam debacle: “What a joke. Imagine a Republican trying to pull off this crap??? He would never be heard from again.” Then he retweeted someone who claimed “there’s silence about Ralph Northam” among liberals. Wait, what? Is Junior truly so cut off from any semblance of real world news, he truly has no idea that Democrats and liberals are all but busting down Northam’s door in an effort to get him out? Or is Junior’s mind just so far gone, he can’t process this reality when he hears about it? Oh, and Republicans get away with racist antics all the time. Just ask Junior’s father.
In any case it’s revealing that, even as the Roger Stone indictment and the House Intel Committee transcripts suggest that Donald Trump Jr may be less than a week away from arrest on felony charges that could send him to prison for the rest of his life, he’s still focused on spreading false claims about the Democrats. We suspect he’ll still be spouting this nonsense from behind bars – only there won’t be any Twitter there.